Monday, July 25, 2011

My Amazing Husband!

So today I was thinking about what an awesome husband I have and I thought I would post some pictures about all the stuff that he does for me, so he knows how much I love him and so everybody else can be jealous that I got such a stud who also happens to be super hott! So without further ado this is some of the stuff that he does for me.
He cooks me breakfast. He also cooks me dinner and treats.

Some of the treats that he cooks for me. Mmmm peach muffins!
He takes me out on dates at least once a week! We really like to go out to dinner so this is us at Los Hermanos.
He gives awesome back/foot massages. He set this up for Valentines Day after we came home from dinner!

He took me to the home show in Utah County which was so fun! We went to see almost all the houses, and got lots of great ideas. I think this might become a tradition!
This is us at the Cheesecake Factory on our Anniversary. Best Year Ever! I love you babe you are the greatest husband in the world.

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