Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Colorado Trip!

Summer is a great time for us to visit family because we actually have some time and a little extra money to do it with! So on that note we wanted to make sure we visited both of Ryan's brothers this summer and last week we took our first trip of the summer to Colorado to visit Jim and Ang! It was great to see them and the kids, who are as cute as ever. I think Cleo's hair has grown about five inches since I last saw her, it is so pretty. We had tons of fun but pictures speak louder than words so without further ado...
Ryan feeling wide awake after downing his energy drink. We left at three in the morning so that we could make the airshow in Wyoming. Ryan drove while I slept in my little makeshift bed in the back.

 He took some pictures of the sunrise.

Me while Ryan was enjoying the sunrise

We went on a river float/rafting trip down the Colorado river with Jim, Ang, and the kids. It was mostly floating but we did catch some fun, level three rapids!
While we were there Ang did a Duathalon which means that you bike, run, then bike again. We were sad cause we didn't quite make it in time to see her cross the finish line, so I made her take a picture afterward. Yay, Ang!

 Our adorable nieces on our last morning there Mira and AnnaBelle on top, and Cleo on the bottom.

This was Toliver's favorite thing to do during most of the trip.

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