Monday, July 25, 2011

Apartment Pics!

Our Doorway: Eventually it will have a stairway going down to it but right now it's just a dirt slide. Also notice how the windows are actually not that far in the ground so even though it's a basement apartment there will be lots of light! The window on the right is our family room area and the window on the left is the kitchen.
Future Kitchen Area:The only way that you can tell this is in fact a kitchen at this point is the pipe sticking out of the ground which is going to be our future sink. The part of the doorway you can see on the left leads to the rest of the basement (storage area etc.) and the doorway on the right is to our second bedroom. Yay!
Bathroom: This is the doorway from the kitchen but we can also get into it from our bedroom. The first part is the sink area. There are going to be two sinks which means lots more counter space than we have now! The toilet shower area is separate from the sink area. At the back you can see the pipe for where the toilet will be.
Our Bedroom: Yay big windows! You can't really get a good idea of size from these pictures but both bedrooms are a pretty decent size. Hopefully people will come visit us once we have an extra bedroom for them.

I couldn't find a good picture of the future living room area so I'll post that later but we are just so excited about our future apartment I thought that I would post a few pics!

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