Monday, July 25, 2011

My Amazing Husband!

So today I was thinking about what an awesome husband I have and I thought I would post some pictures about all the stuff that he does for me, so he knows how much I love him and so everybody else can be jealous that I got such a stud who also happens to be super hott! So without further ado this is some of the stuff that he does for me.
He cooks me breakfast. He also cooks me dinner and treats.

Some of the treats that he cooks for me. Mmmm peach muffins!
He takes me out on dates at least once a week! We really like to go out to dinner so this is us at Los Hermanos.
He gives awesome back/foot massages. He set this up for Valentines Day after we came home from dinner!

He took me to the home show in Utah County which was so fun! We went to see almost all the houses, and got lots of great ideas. I think this might become a tradition!
This is us at the Cheesecake Factory on our Anniversary. Best Year Ever! I love you babe you are the greatest husband in the world.

Apartment Pics!

Our Doorway: Eventually it will have a stairway going down to it but right now it's just a dirt slide. Also notice how the windows are actually not that far in the ground so even though it's a basement apartment there will be lots of light! The window on the right is our family room area and the window on the left is the kitchen.
Future Kitchen Area:The only way that you can tell this is in fact a kitchen at this point is the pipe sticking out of the ground which is going to be our future sink. The part of the doorway you can see on the left leads to the rest of the basement (storage area etc.) and the doorway on the right is to our second bedroom. Yay!
Bathroom: This is the doorway from the kitchen but we can also get into it from our bedroom. The first part is the sink area. There are going to be two sinks which means lots more counter space than we have now! The toilet shower area is separate from the sink area. At the back you can see the pipe for where the toilet will be.
Our Bedroom: Yay big windows! You can't really get a good idea of size from these pictures but both bedrooms are a pretty decent size. Hopefully people will come visit us once we have an extra bedroom for them.

I couldn't find a good picture of the future living room area so I'll post that later but we are just so excited about our future apartment I thought that I would post a few pics!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


My work is having me learn a new language and web platform right now, and the book is really heavy, and my ADD brain has a hard time concentrating on it for long, so I have to take breaks. I thought I would write a blog on one of my breaks.

So I decided to write a post about how much I've started to love cooking. I really like to look at recipes on and search for whatever I'm hungry for and then filter by rating. I then look at others comments and custom-modifications and go to town!

I've found quite a few recipes that I love and a few regular staples that Elizabeth and I eat a lot. I also look for quick recipes (mostly), so that we can eat quickly, and I pride myself on getting something done really quickly!

I should say that I also like quite a few recipes in Mom's cookbook, and we have some of those regularly as well. (Alfredo, Stroganoff [I don't care if it's "real stroganoff" or not],  tator-tot casserole [I hope that's in there!!], chicken strips, apple-cinnamon muffins, jellos, etc)

These are the ones I've found and really like:

  • Chicken Parmesan (20 minutes)
  • Stir Fry (20 minutes, not counting marinade time)
  • Fajitas (20 minutes, not counting marinade time)
  • Lemon Buttermilk Chicken (my own creation)
  • Brown-sugar Peach Muffins
  • Orange Muffins
Anyway, so I'd thought I'd ask if anyone has any family favorite meals that they cook often and ask them to post the recipes in the comments, or in a new post on the blog. We would really like some easy good-tasting main dishes to add to it (sides are easy, just some salad and steamed veggies work). Crock pot stuff is good, we don't do much of that. As always, cheap is good too!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So its officially summer as of a couple weeks ago. In fact, the summer solstice has already come and passed, leaving me to feel nostalgic about summer already and wish it could last longer! So, in honor of Summer, and to keep it alive longer, I thought I'd list some of the things I love most about it!

  1. 4 Day Work Weeks, 3 Day Weekends
  2. No School
  3. Summer Trips! Woohoo!!
  4. Water Parks
  5. Water Sports
  6. Cool Mountain Nights
  7. Snow Cones
  8. Barbecues

I love having 4 day work weeks! I try to work 4 10's but usually it doesn't work out quite that well, and I end up working like 2 9's 2 8's and a 3. But, I love having those three day weekends for trips, or sleeping in or whatever! No homework also makes it easier to make the most of short nights after a long day

I am so excited to take our summer trips, though we have yet to take one! We're going to Jim's for a 4-day weekend, Tyler's for a 4-day weekend, and Vegas for a 4 day weekend. It should be tons of fun!!

I'm actually most excited to go to Vegas cause it will just be Elizabeth and I and we are going to go see Phantom of the opera, and eat lots of buffets and who knows! I've just always wanted to go to Vegas to be honest. Lots to see, lots of cool things, and I love seeing the country.

We have a pass to Seven Peaks. Enough said.

Uncle Keith recently offered to let us take out his Jet Skis for an afternoon. I am so freakin excited I can't stand it.

Got my first snow cone of the summer today. Tiger's blood with some ice cream in the middle. I need to do this more often, or as a co-worker said "You're going to be sorry you didn't come October."

And there's like a barbecue a week! I'm getting better at flavoring/marinating meat, and we've had some good eats this summer already.