Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer 2013 (so far)

Wow it's been more than a year since we've posted! I guess I got a little lazy about it! Well summer this year has been good so far. Wil got an internship at Goldman Sachs and so he is driving down to Salt Lake every day which is sad but he really enjoys his internship and he's learning a ton about finance and investments! I am very proud of him.

We also finally managed to repair our apartment from the flood last summer because Ryan's parents and Tyler and Aimee came to stay with us for a couple of days which gave us some motivation! They came in May over Memorial Day Weekend and we all had a ton of fun! Wil's Uncle Keith loaned us some four wheelers and motorcycles and we went four wheeling for two days. It was a lot of fun and I think Talli and Danny even liked it!

Mom and Dad Craig brought their little dog Nina with them and the day we went up the canyon Tyler brought his gun so that we could shoot and apparently that freaked her out a little so she ran away. We were pretty sure that she would probably get eaten by animals but thankfully a family found her. Unfortunately we only found out about it a day after they left so we became adoptive dog parents for a while. Considering my general dislike of pets I never thought I'd be an object of affection for a dog but I guess I was wrong! Since our lawn happens to consist of mostly thorns though I didn't actually do much of the taking care of her. My sister Christie offered to take her as a sort of trial run to see if they would want to get a dog. The kids loved her and I'm pretty sure she was terrified of them at first but she came around by the end and pretty much thought that was where she lived now! Last weekend some friends from Mom and Dad's ward came through though and we got her back where she belongs. I'm sure Josh will be happy to see her! Lets just say he was not very happy when she ran away and we couldn't find her.

In other random news we just went to the Utah Valley Parade of Homes these last couple weekends. We love going to these things, we are such nerds. It's basically a hobby of ours. I know, kind of a weird hobby. Last year we didn't get to the St. George one but we're hoping to go this year. They're a good place to get ideas I think though cause people do some cool stuff. My mom says by the time we build a house we'll know exactly what we want just like she did when she finally got married. I think that's probably true.

In a couple of weeks we are going to be traveling to Washington for Ryan's Grandma Craig's funeral. She had Alzheimers, her health was not good and she wasn't very happy so she was ready to go home to her husband. I think she's probably happier now. Regardless of everything I just said I still feel a sense of sadness and I will probably cry like a baby at the funeral. I wasn't ever able to meet her in person but I talked to her on the phone a couple of times and skyped with her once. She didn't ever remember me of course. I haven't met many of Wil's cousins or aunts and uncles from that side of the family so I am excited to meet them even though it's kind of a sad time to do it.

Anyways, I think that is all of our news for now.

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