Sunday, November 23, 2014

Count Your Many Blessings

So I thought I would just record some of the thoughts and discussions that Elizabeth and I have had in the past few days about our blessings and the inspiration that we had received regarding my job and ask the blessings we're seeing.

We talked about how possibly the decision to work for Anglepoint has to do with the ability to get out of debt sooner even though that seems somewhat counterintuitive since the starting pay is not quite as good as Goldman Sachs. However, we will be able to live in our great basement apartment with better rent prices for a nice apartment for longer. We are also able to stay there longer because we feel like for some reason we have been given a lot more privacy since returning.

There is no way we could have predicted this but it's really nice that we won't have to spend a lot of money to live in a nice place and can actually stay there until we're completely out if debt in a year or so and then even longer than that possibly.

Likewise I love how close I work to home and Elizabeth. I'm excited that we might be able to do a weekly lunch when I graduate!

Additionally, I'm not the kind of person to want a huge house but would rather do fun things and go on great vacations. You can't take your possessions with you but you can take your memories and relationships.

I'm really excited that we're planning or ten year anniversary to Europe! Only give years to Italy and France. Louvre and Colosseum here we come!!

Additionally - I'm really enjoying our extended newlywed phase! I love Elizabeth. She is the perfect woman and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

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