Sunday, March 4, 2012

St. George Parade of Homes/Spring Break/Pic dump

Split Rock one of the coolest houses we saw!

Back view of split rock

Glass wall

We saw tons of houses with flat roofs like this one

The three windows. Always three little windows in the master.

The "Cave Shower" no door just your own little shower cave.

Hidden Pantry. Objects may be larger than they appear

Seemingly overflowing pools

Can't decide wood or tile? Put them together and Voila!

Little candle nooks to create some great bath time ambiance!

What Curtis calls a Frank Lloyd Wright esq entertainment center.

Nooks with lights in them!
This year we decided to take our life into our own hands and created our own Spring Break. Every year my sister and her husband go to the Parade of Homes in St. George, and this year they invited us to come with them. We decided we would go with them and it would be our own personal spring break. It was great! We looked at really cool homes all day, and went swimming and hot tubbing in the hotel pool at night. It was just the break we needed and it's also a great place to get ideas of some of the things you might want to do in your own house and figure out what you both like. These pics are just a few of the hundred and fifty that I took so be grateful there aren't more!

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