Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fitness Goals

Ryan and I decided it was high time we shed our winter coats (i.e. a couple extra pounds mostly brought on by ice cream sandwiches) and get into swimsuit shape! We have season tickets to seven peaks and a family Lake Powell trip so lets just say we have motivation, and just to give us some extra I'm writing them down. They say it's always better to write down your goals.

 Ryan wants to lose five pounds of cushion and then put on ten pounds of muscle.  At least I think that's what they are feel free to correct me babe!
My goal is to lose 5-10 pounds and get toned focusing on my legs, booty, and stomach, and look good in a swimsuit by the previously aforementioned Lake Powell trip.

Plan of Action
Gym 3 times a week for about an hour
Weight training/toning exercise circuits
20 Minutes Cardio minimum

Anyways, Ryan designed some exercises for me, mostly squats, lunges etc. that he found on which will hopefully tone up my legs, and butt, and in between I do planks, and various stomach exercises for my abs. Then I do cardio. I heard somewhere it's better to do weights before cardio so that's what I've been doing and my legs are extremely sore so I think it's working so far! Ryan does a bunch of upper body stuff mostly I don't really know what he does but he says he's pretty sore so it's probably good stuff. Wish us luck!

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