Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fitness Goals

Ryan and I decided it was high time we shed our winter coats (i.e. a couple extra pounds mostly brought on by ice cream sandwiches) and get into swimsuit shape! We have season tickets to seven peaks and a family Lake Powell trip so lets just say we have motivation, and just to give us some extra I'm writing them down. They say it's always better to write down your goals.

 Ryan wants to lose five pounds of cushion and then put on ten pounds of muscle.  At least I think that's what they are feel free to correct me babe!
My goal is to lose 5-10 pounds and get toned focusing on my legs, booty, and stomach, and look good in a swimsuit by the previously aforementioned Lake Powell trip.

Plan of Action
Gym 3 times a week for about an hour
Weight training/toning exercise circuits
20 Minutes Cardio minimum

Anyways, Ryan designed some exercises for me, mostly squats, lunges etc. that he found on which will hopefully tone up my legs, and butt, and in between I do planks, and various stomach exercises for my abs. Then I do cardio. I heard somewhere it's better to do weights before cardio so that's what I've been doing and my legs are extremely sore so I think it's working so far! Ryan does a bunch of upper body stuff mostly I don't really know what he does but he says he's pretty sore so it's probably good stuff. Wish us luck!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

St. George Parade of Homes/Spring Break/Pic dump

Split Rock one of the coolest houses we saw!

Back view of split rock

Glass wall

We saw tons of houses with flat roofs like this one

The three windows. Always three little windows in the master.

The "Cave Shower" no door just your own little shower cave.

Hidden Pantry. Objects may be larger than they appear

Seemingly overflowing pools

Can't decide wood or tile? Put them together and Voila!

Little candle nooks to create some great bath time ambiance!

What Curtis calls a Frank Lloyd Wright esq entertainment center.

Nooks with lights in them!
This year we decided to take our life into our own hands and created our own Spring Break. Every year my sister and her husband go to the Parade of Homes in St. George, and this year they invited us to come with them. We decided we would go with them and it would be our own personal spring break. It was great! We looked at really cool homes all day, and went swimming and hot tubbing in the hotel pool at night. It was just the break we needed and it's also a great place to get ideas of some of the things you might want to do in your own house and figure out what you both like. These pics are just a few of the hundred and fifty that I took so be grateful there aren't more!

Friday, March 2, 2012

January Craziness

So you know how after Christmas there is always a little bit of a let down because you have spent so much time preparing for it and now it's just over? Well in our family there's not much of that, and if there is it only lasts for about a day. We're just too busy! You see, late December and January is probably the craziest time of the year for us. My mom and dad's anniversary which they always insist is a family event (Don't ask me I know it's weird but we've pretty much given up trying to convince them otherwise.) is right after Christmas followed by our niece Sabrina's birthday. January starts out with Brielle's birthday, then my Dad's, then his Dad's, then mine, and a week later Ryan and Jeffrey's on the same day. It's a little crazy and it makes us a lot broke.

This year we decided that we'd just have a family dinner on our actual birthdays and then combine our birthday celebrations with each other. We signed up for their birthday thing at The Roof, the restaurant in Salt Lake City where we got engaged so it kind of has special meaning for us especially around the winter time of year, and got a buy one get one free card. It just so happened that by a funny coincidence Rachael and Nick had two of those, also. They gave one to Rebecca and Blaine because they couldn't use both at once and we all went out together. We got to get all dressed up because it's kind of a nicer restaurant, which is fun to do once in a while. We were kind of running late and it was a blizzard on the way up so we were booking it down the freeway at high speeds and we couldn't see a thing! It was a little nerve wracking. When we got there we had to run through all the snow and slush, and get all soaked, only to find out that there's a convenient little underground tunnel that leads from the parking to the restaurant. It was quite the experience but once we got there it was all worth it! Pics will be added once Wil get's home and figures out what the heck is going on with this computer.

Right outside the Roof
Rebecca and Blaine

Us again!

Rachael and Nick