Friday, April 8, 2011

New Blog

This is our new blog! We felt like we were a little behind the times, with some of our favorite friends and family running blogs for months! So, we gave in and made a blog of our own. We don't really know if anyone will be interested in reading it, but we're making one anyway! Plus, who doesn't have a blog? Really...

It is a time of conflicting emotions. Finals are coming, yuck. Tax return came, yay! My sister-in-law just had a new baby, yay! After a year in our apartment, we're kind of sick of it, yuck. 3000 word essay due in two weeks for Anthropology, double yuck. We're going to a movie tonight, yay!

So as you can see, deep thoughts over here. I am actually really excited for this summer to come and for everything to slow down (kind of). I'm planning on reading a lot this summer, to catch up with Elizabeth who would read a book a day if she had the chance. She's looking for new books to read, by the way. Any suggestions?

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