Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's with the Fam

This year we've been spending a lot of holidays in Utah so we decided to go up to Idaho to ring in the New Year with the other side of the family. Ryan's parents and Josh also came up so it was almost the entire family! The sad part of this story is that we brought our camera but managed to leave the card at home so we were only able to get a couple pictures.  There were TONS of arts and crafts style houses there and I really wanted to take pictures of them and show them to Dad as paint options, but, oh well. We had tons of fun anyways, though!

We got there on Thursday night, then on Friday we watched the armed forces bowl game. I usually like football but I hated that game for most of it. Our offense just couldn't get it together. Thankfully our defense held them off til we finally scored some points.

 On Saturday Tyler and Aimee took us to some model homes because they know we are obsessed with going through houses, then we went to a super yummy frozen yogurt shop! They had tons of flavors and they charge by weight so you could get as many mix ins as you wanted! We ate haystacks for dinner, which were also really yummy, got Mom, Dad and Josh from the airport, and then had a New Years Eve party. We made sure there were lots of snacks cause New Years Eve just isn't any fun without snacks and Martinelli's. I made my first seven layer dip and I think that it turned out pretty well.

On Sunday we went to Church and exchanged gifts. It was like Christmas all over again. Ryan and I got very spoiled. We feel so grateful to have such a generous family, and also a little bit sheepish that we didn't get them more presents. We are very poor college students and that is pretty much our excuse that we are sticking to. I think the most exiting present for Ryan was a bread maker. Even I have to admit it's pretty cool and he loves it. I got tons of fun things also including new books, pjs, bathrobe, a red coat, a new scarf, jewelry, and a full length mirror! I can finally see my lower half! It's also a great place to do my hair because I can actually see all of it!

Monday was pretty relaxed but we did go to breakfast at a really yummy place near Tyler and Aimee's house and then on Tuesday we went swimming for a while, ate pizza, and then drove home. I don't think that Mom and Dad have ever had stuffed pizza before because they were pretty surprised at how big an actual piece was. Josh was a little angry by the end there. One time his Dad bumped into him and he sad "Ouch! Dad! You hit me right in the boob!". His Dad then informed him that men have a chest, not boobs.

Talli demonstrating her spelling skills.

Little Danny was really smiley