Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So recently I've been feeling like a little bit of a couch potato, especially without the BYU campus to give me exercise! I know it's pathetic that I counted on walking around campus for my daily exercise but it did involve a lot of walking and I just didn't grow up in an exercising kind of family. You should see my mom try and run! However, we all have recently become a little more health conscious, besides the fact that most of us, me included want to lose about ten pounds. The problem is that I don't really like exercise. I mean, I always feel good afterwards but usually during I hate it, and I have a problem getting the motivation and energy to get off my butt and do it.

What do I like to do you say? Well, it is extremely embarrassing to admit but I really like turning music up really loud and dancing around to it. Am I a dancer? No, actually the end of my dancing career was when I took a jazz class in college and I was so bad at it that literally EVERYONE remembers me. I don't ever remember them because I have blocked out the memory. Needless to say when I dance around the house nobody else is there.

So I have this conundrum. On the one hand I really want to get healthier and lose a little weight, but I also hate exercise so generally when I decide to do it, my resolve doesn't last very long. Except now I have found the answer to my conundrum. Zumba! I must admit I was a little skeptical of it at first. My sister had been begging me to come for at least a month but I was a little skeptical. Then I went and what a surprise! It was the best exercise I have ever done and I can honestly say I loved it!  Zumba is basically a bootie shaking dance/exercise. I can shake my bootie and I can kind of keep up with the steps! But I have to say the best part is that it feels like I'm at home dancing around to loud music, but I also get a great workout!